Своим опытом делится Олег Кулабухов:
Как всегда, обращаемся к функциям Windows-API.
function TForm1.CheckShell32Version: Boolean; procedure GetFileVersion(FileName: string; var Major1, Major2, Minor1, Minor2: Integer); { Helper function to get the actual file version information } var Info: Pointer; InfoSize: DWORD; FileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo; FileInfoSize: DWORD; Tmp: DWORD; begin // Get the size of the FileVersionInformatioin InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Tmp); // If InfoSize = 0, then the file may not exist, or // it may not have file version information in it. if InfoSize = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Can''t get file version information for ' + FileName); // Allocate memory for the file version information GetMem(Info, InfoSize); try // Get the informationM GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), 0, InfoSize, Info); // Query the information for the version VerQueryValue(Info, '\', Pointer(FileInfo), FileInfoSize); // Now fill in the version information Major1 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS shr 16; Major2 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF; Minor1 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS shr 16; Minor2 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF; finally FreeMem(Info, FileInfoSize); end; end; var tmpBuffer: PChar; Shell32Path: string; VersionMajor: Integer; VersionMinor: Integer; Blank: Integer; begin tmpBuffer := AllocMem(MAX_PATH); // Get the shell32.dll path try GetSystemDirectory(tmpBuffer, MAX_PATH); Shell32Path := tmpBuffer + '\shell32.dll'; finally FreeMem(tmpBuffer); end; // Check to see if it exists if FileExists(Shell32Path) then begin // Get the file version GetFileVersion(Shell32Path, VersionMajor, VersionMinor, Blank, Blank); // Do something, such as require a certain version // (such as greater than 4.71) if (VersionMajor >= 4) and (VersionMinor >= 71) then Result := True else Result := False; end else Result := False; end; |